
Monday, May 9, 2011

And so it begins!

Not gonna lie, I've been wanting to start a blog for a while. I think I really want to use this more of a living journal of the little (or big or medium) adventures in my life (and my hubs, friends, family, etc). I think it will evolve as I go but my favorite topics are usually food and travel. For example, Pete and I have a big trip to Italy in September that I'll probably try to write about. In the mean time, I'm just trying to figure out this whole blog thing. Need a new background and hopefully some coolio links and gadgets. Like I said, evolving project. :)

Hope you enjoy!


P.S. Here's some pictures from the last few days. Busy weekend with my hubs birthday, our newest nephew's birth, and my Momma's graduation at Gonzaga! Forgive the fuzziness, the pictures are from my phone. 

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